
Campsites, Cottages, and Hotels

Lac La Ronge has many options for spending the night, week, or season in Northern Saskatchewan. Whether you prefer to camp, want to experience a cottage stay, or want the comfort of a hotel room – there’s an option that’s just right for your stay in Northern Saskatchewan

Stay in the wilderness

Camp Outdoors

Northern Saskatchewan offers many options for camping outdoors. Whether you prefer the luxury of a fully serviced campground – or prefer staying in the wilderness of a backcountry campsite. There are options for all levels of camping opportunities for explorers of Northern Saskatchewan.

Popular Camping Destinations

Photo: Nut Point Peninsula

Photo: Thompson’s Resort, Missinipe

Comfort & Luxury in Nature

Cabins and Cottages

For those who want to enjoy the benefits of being by the lake, with access to the water and other recreational activities – Lac La Ronge has many options for visitors to choose from. Cottages and Cabins are available in all areas of Lac La Ronge, depending on where you choose to visit while in Northern Saskatchewan.

All of the cabin locations listed here are available by driving to. For more remote options, check out our remote camps section.

Cabin Rental Locations

Keep It Simple With

Hotels & Motels

If you’re looking to keep your stay as simply as possible in one of our Lac La Ronge communities, we have an assortment of Hotels and Motels to choose from. Whether you are planning to stay in La Ronge, venture around Stanley Mission, are visit Otter Lake – find a hotel that suits your needs.

Local Accommodations

Photo: Waterbase Inn, La Ronge

Getaway For The Week At Our

Remote Camps

Experience the best getaway available for you in Northern Saskatchewan. Lac La Ronge is home to many fly-in and boat accessible remote camps. Escape the city and take a break from your busy life. Spend a week at a remote camp and enjoy activities such as fishing, hunting, and just some good ole casual leisure.

Most camps are available only during summer seasons, but some are accessible all year long.

Our Remote Camps

Photo: Twin Falls Lodge

Lac La Ronge Is Yours To Explore!

Start Planning Your Adventure

Reach out to us, and see how we can help you plan your next Northern Saskatchewan adventure.

Adventures For Everyone

Explore Options

Stay The Night

Camp, Lodge, or Stay at a Hotel. Accomodate your comfort level.

play outdoors

Paddle, Pedal, Walk, or Run. Adventures for all levels.

Explore Wonders

Scenic boat rides and aerial tours. No pain, with all the pleasure!

our communities

Tour our historic communities, and visit their landmark locations.

Over 100 Reasons to Come

More Reasons To Return

Everyone’s got their reasons to come to Northern Saskatchewan. And they always find a reason to come back again. There’s no need to rush your trip. The forest, lakes, and hospitality will always be here.




lakes & Rivers


Yearly Visitors


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